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Andrew Mackenzie

FSA, CERA, MAAA | Managing Director and Consulting Actuary

Andrew is an Actuarial Consultant and SBA's Chief Operating Officer. His primary job responsibilities include consulting with healthcare providers, payers, researchers, and vendors on managed care finances, experiment design and analysis, program outcomes evaluation, risk assessment, and predictive models for identification and stratification.

Andrew has written publications for the American Journal of Managed Care, the Journal of Palliative Medicine, the Society of Actuaries, the Employee Benefits Plan Review Journal, and The Institute of HealthCare Consumerism. He has also spoken at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, California's Associate of Joint Power Authorities, the SOA, CPHCC, and the National Predictive Modeling Summit. Andrew's research focus is on measurement accuracy, behavioral economics, consumer choice, and models for enterprise risk management.

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